Cigarette Smoke Traveling through the HVAC System

In some apartment buildings, the HVAC system is linked together. That means what’s in one apartment can leak into the neighbor’s ducts and cause allergies or asthma. One of the things that can leak in is cigarette smoke if the neighbors smoke indoors.

Airborne second-hand smoke can be bothersome and cause health issues, but it isn’t the only thing to cause apartment dwellers concern. The dust that accumulates on surfaces is partially remnants of smoke that was hanging in the air. That means it is full of carcinogens and other dangers that are lingering on the surfaces.

One way to combat this is by dusting regularly. However, dust can linger in vents for a lot longer than it stays on surfaces. When the vents are in use, they can blow all of the dangerous dust around the apartment.

Here are some solutions to get rid of as much of the lingering smoke and dust as possible:

  1. Air Sanitizers

This will help remove the smell of cigarettes, but not the contaminants. There are a few options like chemical sanitizers, or natural ones like baking soda.

  1. Changing Filters

The air filter traps the cigarette smell and contaminants. Because of this, a dirty filter in the HVAC system can spread contaminants into the apartment when it is in use. Change the furnace filter often to combat this issue. It may have to be done more frequently than every three months.

  1. Clean

Like stated above, dusting can help eliminate some of the contaminants. Regular vacuuming will also help eliminate carcinogens and other dangers from the carpet. Lastly, get the ducts cleaned. Dust and contaminants can reside there and spread when the HVAC system is in use.

Keeping the apartment dust-free and changing the filters often can help to reduce the amount of smoke inhalation due to smoking neighbors. Since most apartment dwellers do not have access to the air filters and duct work, mention Diamond Heating and Cooling to your landlord and have them also ask about the Micro Power Guard Air Cleaner to better filter out contaminants.

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